This sprawling 43-thousand acre facility is located off Highway 101, about 60 miles north of San Luis Obispo, California.
For more details, please see the California State Military Museum website where the above postcard and many more can be seen.

More information can be found at Chanute Air Museum website.
Fort Monmouth - founded in 1917 and named for American Revolution soldiers who died in the Battle of Monmouth Court House. It is the main school for the U.S. Signal Corp. It is located in just north of Asbury Park, New Jersey.
More information can be found at this U.S. Army website.
Fort Sheridan - named for the Union Major-General Philip Sheridan, this was built on the Illinois bluffs overlooking Lake Michigan about 30 miles north of downtown Chicago. It was one of four Recruit Reception Centers in the U.S. during the Second World War. Later, many prisoners of war were incarcerated there.
For more details, please see the informative town of Fort Sheridan website.

More information can be found at the U.S. Army's Fort Sill website.
Scott Field - was named for Corporal Frank Scott, who in 1912 became the first U.S. airman to die in an aircraft accident. Founded in 1917, it is located 25 miles east of St. Louis, Missouri near Belleville, Illinois. During the Second World War war, more than 77-thousand servicemen trained here, for aircraft communcations role. The army also build an induction center nearby, which was later annexed to the Air Force Base.
More information can be found at the Scott Field Heritage Air Park website.